My kids are killing me. In a good way! Every day they are saying or doing something that just makes me laugh and laugh...Today, though, I must write about my Hannah. Yesterday, Hannah and Andrew were playing together so well. No fighting, no fussing, nothing. Hannah made the comment that she wanted to marry Andrew when she grew up, and when Chris told her that couldn't happen, she got so sad! She seriously cried as if her heart was broken. It was so sad, but so very funny. I felt bad laughing when she was obviously so upset, but seriously. It was hilarious.
Hannah has become quite the love bug lately, too. She loves to hold hands, hug, and especially kiss! When we are walking into her school in the mornings, or anywhere, really, she will hold my hand and kiss it all the way. When she gives hugs, they are full throttle, bear hugs. It's precious and wonderful, and I am trying to remember every minute because these moments will disappear far too quickly.
January 12, 2013
January 9, 2013
Funny kids
I just had to take a minute and jot down some of the funny stuff my kids have been saying this week. They are just cracking me up.
From Andrew: "I need a spa day!"
- When I asked about this he says he isn't sure what a spa day really is, but he's pretty sure it means relaxing. His idea of relaxing? Staying in his pj's all day, playing video games. :)
From Hannah: "I love you in the whole world!"
-What she means is, "I love you MOST in the whole world!" I told her what I think she meant to say, so now she's working on remembering to say it right, but it's soooo stinkin' cute to hear her say it wrong, :)
Hannah is also loving music these days. She's always loved music, but recently she's started to memorize songs and she loves to sing. On the way to school each morning, I get serenaded together tune of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and most nights she sings herself to sleep to the tune of Feliz Navidad. Too cute. One of these days I might remember to try to video tape or somehow record it.
These kids wear me out, but they are simply awesome. I am so very blessed.
From Andrew: "I need a spa day!"
- When I asked about this he says he isn't sure what a spa day really is, but he's pretty sure it means relaxing. His idea of relaxing? Staying in his pj's all day, playing video games. :)
From Hannah: "I love you in the whole world!"
-What she means is, "I love you MOST in the whole world!" I told her what I think she meant to say, so now she's working on remembering to say it right, but it's soooo stinkin' cute to hear her say it wrong, :)
Hannah is also loving music these days. She's always loved music, but recently she's started to memorize songs and she loves to sing. On the way to school each morning, I get serenaded together tune of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and most nights she sings herself to sleep to the tune of Feliz Navidad. Too cute. One of these days I might remember to try to video tape or somehow record it.
These kids wear me out, but they are simply awesome. I am so very blessed.
January 5, 2013
New school semester, and a little stress...
So Monday is the beginning of a new semester at school. I am excited about that, but I have to admit, I'm also very nervous. See, my wonderfully awesome co-teacher (and FRIEND), Kelly, who I've been with now for two years (this year being our third year co-teaching) had a beautiful baby girl yesterday. Harper was anxiously expected and everyone is so thrilled to have her finally HERE so we can ooh and ahh over her and tell her how beautiful she is and how lucky she is to have such a great mom, dad, and two big sisters. What does this have to do with me being nervous? Well, it means that (obviously) Kelly is going to be out for at least 6 weeks on maternity leave. There will be a long-term sub in the classroom and he is okay...just not who I'm used to. It is so hard for me to deal with change. I definitely need to work on that. I am not nervous about teaching the math or handling the students or anything like that. I just get nervous about how someone different is going to perceive me, what they will think of me, etc. Silly, I know, but that's my reality right now. *I like routine.* Six weeks will go by super-fast, though, and it'll be great. All I know is, I will certainly miss my friend. I'll be counting the days until February 18, for sure. :)
In the meantime, I am going to heavily rely on and enjoy co-teaching with my other awesome co-teacher and friend, Jessica. She's amazing and she always listens when I need to vent or de-stress by just getting something off my chest. I am so very grateful to work with both of these amazing women. I am a lucky, lucky girl.
In the meantime, I am going to heavily rely on and enjoy co-teaching with my other awesome co-teacher and friend, Jessica. She's amazing and she always listens when I need to vent or de-stress by just getting something off my chest. I am so very grateful to work with both of these amazing women. I am a lucky, lucky girl.
January 4, 2013
My new baby
Today's happy has to do with my new "precious" (think Gollum in LOTR)... My new iPad! It was ordered through eBay at @ a 50% discount. It's an iPad 2 and came with a cover, a carrying case, a keyboard, and two chargers. My hubby is the best. Sometimes his frugality causes me to sigh and think he's crazy, but I love him for it. I love my new toy and will probably sleep with it under my pillow tonight. Ha! :) I'm blogging from the iPad now, and will attempt to attach a pic of my precious in its brand new purple case (to protect it from little hands that might dare to touch it). Squee! :)
January 3, 2013
Quotable Kids
I know I'm biased, but I swear my kids say the funniest, cutest things. Here are just a few jewels from the past week or so:
Chris took Andrew to the Dollar Tree, and a lady complimented Andrew, telling him he was "so cute." Andrew's reply? "I'm not cute! I'm awesome!"
As Andrew and Hannah were playing in the backseat of the truck on our way to Alabama, Andrew says, "Hannah, you're my favorite girl in the world."
While playing with Hannah's Dora dollhouse, Andrew got tired of it all and decided to push Dora down the itty bitty stairs. Hannah says, "You are so rude."
Hannah, upon waking up the morning AFTER Christmas: "Oh no! We forgot to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus yesterday!"
I love my kids.

Chris took Andrew to the Dollar Tree, and a lady complimented Andrew, telling him he was "so cute." Andrew's reply? "I'm not cute! I'm awesome!"
As Andrew and Hannah were playing in the backseat of the truck on our way to Alabama, Andrew says, "Hannah, you're my favorite girl in the world."
While playing with Hannah's Dora dollhouse, Andrew got tired of it all and decided to push Dora down the itty bitty stairs. Hannah says, "You are so rude."
Hannah, upon waking up the morning AFTER Christmas: "Oh no! We forgot to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus yesterday!"
I love my kids.

January 2, 2013
Home Sweet Home
![]() |
There's no place like home... |
When Chris and I visit his parents in Alabama, we most often sleep in their camper/RV (think Cousin Eddie's RV in the movie Christmas Vacation) and let the kids take their spare room. They have to share a bed, which is always interesting, but the fact that we are outside means we can sometimes sleep in and let the grandparents take morning duty. Sleeping in the camper, however, means it is cold and not at all comfortable. Sleeping on the mattress (if you can call it that) is kind of like sleeping on a board with a thin pillowy-type substance lying on top of it. Chris thinks its really comfy. I tend to disagree. I am SUPER grateful for a free place to stay where the people love me unconditionally and feed me such wonderful, delicious, fattening food upon waking (and every few hours afterwards) so I am NOT complaining. In fact, I think it's great, and I always secretly wish Chris would walk into his parents' house in the mornings saying, "Morning, y'all! Crapper's full!" (I know that's not the word used in the movie, but you get the point. And if you haven't ever seen Christmas Vacation, you.are.missing.out.)
Speaking of beds, it is time to get my kiddos in the bath and in their beds, after which I plan to plant my butt in my aforementioned beloved bed. Good night!

January 1, 2013
Counting my Blessings
New Year's Day...Normally by now I'd be making a long list of things I'd like to change about myself in the upcoming year, and after about a week I would give up and it would all be over. As I posted a couple of days ago, this year I don't plan to make a lot of promises I'll never keep, but I plan to spend a few moments every day counting my blessings and actually writing it down (or, to be more accurate, typing it out) here on this blog.
Today's blessing is just the ability to be here in Alabama with Chris' family celebrating a late Christmas and bringing in the New Year with people who love us. Watching Andrew and Hannah play with their cousins and enjoy them so's priceless. I sometimes wish we lived closer to them, but to be honest, I think the distance makes the time spent with them so much more precious and much more enjoyable.
I love that Andrew & Hannah enjoy bathroom humor as much as their mom and dad do...The word "underwear" has brought an abundance of giggles today. It's quite funny. :) It's been a low-key, lazy day due to all the rain here, but really...this is exactly my kind of day. I am one happy girl!

Today's blessing is just the ability to be here in Alabama with Chris' family celebrating a late Christmas and bringing in the New Year with people who love us. Watching Andrew and Hannah play with their cousins and enjoy them so's priceless. I sometimes wish we lived closer to them, but to be honest, I think the distance makes the time spent with them so much more precious and much more enjoyable.
I love that Andrew & Hannah enjoy bathroom humor as much as their mom and dad do...The word "underwear" has brought an abundance of giggles today. It's quite funny. :) It's been a low-key, lazy day due to all the rain here, but really...this is exactly my kind of day. I am one happy girl!

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