The hubs is totally awesome. His name is Chris and we have been married since June 22, 2002. We met in 1999 while studying for the ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. We've been together a long time, and its been interesting to say the least! When we married, Chris was a youth pastor. He later became a pastor, but now he is a full-time, stay-at-home daddy to our kiddos. If we've learned anything, its that life can be a roller coaster, but its great to have your best friend beside you. Chris loves all things ESPN. He is a die-hard Alabama fan (ROLL TIDE!) but also cheers for the Minnesota Vikings and New York Yankees. He's the love of my life and my very best friend.
Finally, this is Cupcake. Hannah entered the world on June 28, 2008. This girl has shown us we are not as strong as we think. Hannah is adventurous, brilliant, resourceful and determined. Her personality is intense, to say the least. When she is happy, the whole world can't help but be happy with her. When she is unhappy, you'd better believe the whole world knows it. I have no idea where she got that from...(snort!) Hannah is currently obsessed with Dora and Disney Princesses (her favorite princess changes daily). Nothing stops her from going after what she wants. I can't wait to see how this character trait plays out in her life as she grows. I love her more than I can say. She's my little diva!
In addition to these little humans in our lives, we also have two adult cats, two dogs, and four kittens that we call our furbabies. Buddy is solid black and the shy one of the bunch. He's been with us since Sept. 30, 2003 when we found him sitting in a pizza box in the middle of the parking lot at Wal-Mart. He sleeps on my feet every night and keeps me warm and cozy. Maggie showed up on our doorstep on Feb. 2, 2011 and we discovered about two weeks later that she was pregnant! We planned on adopting out the kittens after they weaned, but...we fell in love with them and here we sit with six cats. Sigh. They sure do bring us a lot of joy, though!
Rosie is our older dog, a cocker spaniel/basset hound mix (we think). She's blonde and has these huge sad eyes, but don't let her fool you...she's incredibly spoiled. She sleeps between us in our king size bed every night! She was wandering the neighborhood, practically skin and bones when we adopted her. She pretty much hit the jackpot. :) Ruby is our AKC-registered Doberman. She joined us in May 2011 and has proven to be our "gentle giant." Its kind of like having a horse in the house, but she is so good with the kids and super-protective and loyal. We love her like she's always been with us!
So that's us! We have a lot of fun together, that's for sure...