Oh my goodness. My kids are just blowing me away lately with the way they're just soaking everything in and learning so much! Andrew comes home every day telling me all kinds of new stuff, and he's just zooming through the little readers they send home. He started on #1 (duh) in August and now he's in #7. He always asks to read more and more every night, beyond what they ask him to read for homework. He loves math and he's VERY good at it (makes his math teacher mama so proud!). We make up word problems for him a lot and he answers them right every time. Too cute. The other night he was rolling around on the floor. I asked what he was doing and he said, "Look, mommy! I'm a cylinder! I roll when I'm on my side! But mommy, if I were a cube I would slide. I couldn't roll if I were a cube." Wow.
His handwriting is still terrible, but he'll figure it out. He has a Transformers notebook that he likes to write in. I found some websites where I could make special handwriting worksheets for him, so I printed out a lot of those. Several people mentioned a program called Handwriting Without Tears as well, and I am looking into it. Can't afford to buy much right now, so I'm working with the free stuff, but he's fine. I just LOVE seeing him so excited about learning! Makes a mama so stinkin' proud.
Hannah? Oh my goodness. She is a MESS. Such a cutie, and such a stinker. She is talking so clearly now and she's oh-so-girly. She loves to dress up like a princess (she's obsessed with the Disney princesses), brush her hair, paint her nails, and look at her cute clothes. She's so cute...If you ask her a yes or no question she answers, "yes uh-huh!" or "ummm...no." Its adorable. (Well, probably just adorable to me, but its ok. I'm allowed to think she's awesome.) She recognizes all her letters and loves to tell us, "R is for Rapunzel! T is for Tiana! C is for Cinderella!" (you get the point) when she sees them on signs or whatever. LOVE.
I'm a teacher. I was in school full-time for 20 years straight. It makes my heart so happy to see my kids developing a love of learning. Life is good.

His handwriting is still terrible, but he'll figure it out. He has a Transformers notebook that he likes to write in. I found some websites where I could make special handwriting worksheets for him, so I printed out a lot of those. Several people mentioned a program called Handwriting Without Tears as well, and I am looking into it. Can't afford to buy much right now, so I'm working with the free stuff, but he's fine. I just LOVE seeing him so excited about learning! Makes a mama so stinkin' proud.
Hannah? Oh my goodness. She is a MESS. Such a cutie, and such a stinker. She is talking so clearly now and she's oh-so-girly. She loves to dress up like a princess (she's obsessed with the Disney princesses), brush her hair, paint her nails, and look at her cute clothes. She's so cute...If you ask her a yes or no question she answers, "yes uh-huh!" or "ummm...no." Its adorable. (Well, probably just adorable to me, but its ok. I'm allowed to think she's awesome.) She recognizes all her letters and loves to tell us, "R is for Rapunzel! T is for Tiana! C is for Cinderella!" (you get the point) when she sees them on signs or whatever. LOVE.
I'm a teacher. I was in school full-time for 20 years straight. It makes my heart so happy to see my kids developing a love of learning. Life is good.

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