My grand total, after coupons and Extra Care Bucks (ECB) used, was $36.80. Yeah, I know I could do way better, but still...Chris got online and compared Wal-Mart's prices on these exact items and we would have spent at least $70 there. So yeah, I feel pretty good.
Here's how I did it: I got the ad for their weekly specials, then went to the Southern Savers website and clicked on the CVS button at the top of the page. I looked over all the suggested deals and decided on the paper products deal. Basically, you could mix and match different items to add up to $25, and once you spent $25 you would get $10 ECB back when the receipt printed. So, I got the 10 rolls of paper towels ($10), the 24 rolls of TP ($10), the 3 boxes of tissue ($3), and the Cottonelle wipes ($2) to total $25. I used a $2 coupon for the paper towels but I accidentally added the 12-pack of Mtn Dew ($3.34) to that order so I ended up paying $28.61 for those items and got my $10 ECB.
Once my $10 ECB printed, I had them ring up my next set of items, the vitamins and the pull-ups. The vitamins were Buy 1 Get 1 Free (B1G1), but the pull-ups were just a necessity. No way was I going to Wal-Mart or anything, what with the snow coming...But anyway, I also had a $4 off coupon I had forgotten to use with the first order. By the time I used that $4 off, a $1 off coupon for the vitamins, AND my $10 ECB, that total was only $8.61! All in all I spent $36.80 for ten items, which averages to $3.68 for each item. Not too shabby for a newbie, I don't think. Oh, and I am totally addicted to couponing now. :)
Now, a note about last night's post. Ugh, I am so over myself. Enough of the whining and pity party. I'm gonna put on my big girl panties and suck it up! I was researching some stuff online late last night and I'm wondering if maybe my B12 levels are low again. In the past my doc has caught them so low that I had to go in for shots every day for a week, then once a month for 3 months. Not fun. So on today's trip to CVS the vitamins I picked up were Ginkgo Biloba (to hopefully help w/my focus issues) and some Super B Complex, which I think will help a lot with my basic "poor me, I feel like crap" feeling. Also, I got a call from my doc this past week that my thyroid levels were way too high, so hopefully the new dosage will help once my body has had time to adjust.
So anyway, I don't know how many people actually read my blog, but if anyone out there *did* read it and was concerned in any way...relax. I am fine. Oh, I am definitely still planning to talk to a counselor and get to the root of some issues, but I'm not a danger to myself or anything. Just so you know. :)

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