Whine, whine, whine....I am a big ball of stress these days. I feel like I'm wound so tight I'm gonna explode at the slightest touch. I've taken on too much and I know it. This is my biggest problem: I can't say no. Its all school-related stress, and I try *really* hard to leave it there, but it sneaks up on me a lot of the time. I am teaching a math intervention class for my 6th grade students two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday. This takes place during my planning period, of course. On Tuesdays, as soon as the students leave, I meet up with a 4th grade student who needs tutoring as well. On Thursdays, I go straight from tutoring my 6th graders to a weekly grade level meeting with our principal. So on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have ZERO planning time. Also, I am finishing up (two more weeks!) a hospital-homebound tutoring job with a student I've been working with for a couple of months. Yes, I am getting paid for all this extra work, but still...its a LOT. By Christmas break, though, I will have finished up with my homebound student and can focus on the tutoring I'm doing during the school day and not worry about the after-school stuff. Its just all the
paperwork that stresses me out. Being a special education teacher, I am in charge of monitoring IEP's, classroom accommodations, and testing modifications. I have to make sure everything that needs to be done is being done for each student. I have to keep copies/records of everything we do. I have to track testing data to prove that my students are (or aren't) learning anything. I have to go to special education AND math department meetings. Its a lot.
Teachers get a bad rap these days, getting blamed for students' lack of success, but getting no credit when the students
are successful. (Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, but its how I feel at this point in time.) Our pay is getting cut, but we are expected to do more and more each day. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and just want to explode.
Then I come home to my husband and kids and they make it all right. Home is a good place to be. And teaching isn't all bad...Heck, if I can stand the stress for two more weeks, I'll get two weeks off for Christmas! I'm a lucky girl.
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