So I know it's been a LONG freakin' time since I wrote a blog post, but just goes and goes and sometimes it's all just too much. As I think back and plan for the future, I really hope to be more dedicated to keeping up this blog and writing down all the awesomeness that happens in my life. It's so easy for the negative to outweigh the positive, so while I may have other resolutions for this year, I will definitely make my #1 resolution a commitment to post something good about my life at least once a day. Even if it's just a sentence, a funny quote from one of my kids, or the same thing I'm thankful for every single day, I want to make it a point to write down something GOOD from every day. There's so much evil in the world...and it is so easy to get sad and start the whole "woe is me" cycle, so this is going to be one way I hope to combat that feeling and bring more joy into my family's life. I guess I figure I don't want to be one of those people who always wears you down with bad news or sob stories. Don't get me wrong: I definitely have plenty to tell! I want to be a more uplifting, positive, encouraging personality, so I am going to revitalize this old blog and get on with the business of being grateful for the billions of blessings in my life.
Now that that's out there, please keep me accountable. Being that it has been nearly seven months since I last blogged, there's probably no one reading, but if you are, let me know! Keep me honest. :) Oh, and as always, feel free to add what YOU are thankful for as well!

Now that that's out there, please keep me accountable. Being that it has been nearly seven months since I last blogged, there's probably no one reading, but if you are, let me know! Keep me honest. :) Oh, and as always, feel free to add what YOU are thankful for as well!